AMD and Vindral use transmission technology to vivo in 8K HDR with ultra-low language

The streaming market today has been growing year after year and today, AMD presents with Vindral a new technology which makes it possible to facilitate transmissions at vivo in 8K HDR with ultra-low length. It's possible that this is thanks to engineer Vindral and an Alveo MA35D card from AMD.

Daniel Alinder, CEO of Vindral, justifies the investment in this new solution according to which 8K is the future of home transmissions.

After our AV1 initiative, the next step has been announced for the next frontier. So it's 8K. There aren't many devices that can be exposed, however, not being able to decode video, but as a brand that claims to be ahead of the curve, this is an important step for us.

The presentation was made at the NAB Show in Las Vegas with videos in 8K with 10-bit HDR for live transmission using the AMD card with AV1 code, which guarantees ultra-low latency and real tempo synchronization with all the phone types available. local.

Vindral says the technology is also compatible with low-cost devices with adaptable bit rates to ensure everyone has the best possible experience in this solution that promises the future of streaming.

Sean Gardner, AMD's head of strategy and market development, commented on Vindral's plot:

We look forward to working with Vindral in the next performance. This specific photo with the possibility of high VQ, even with ultra-low speed, is an optimal combination for us. The MA35D was specifically designed to enable this work at scale, and an ao vivo transmission CDN is an incredible showcase for us.

The CEO of Vindral said that several parameters were interested in transmitting live events at high resolution. Among these markets Japan, but it is a technology that is becoming more and more popular over the years.

Dos eSports ao varejo and apostas esportivas, always have companies that recruit them. This is useful for region of interest (RoI) applications where you want to get an 8K feed from a static camera and view any 4K part of your device, such as industrial-grade image recognition applications or military.

On the other hand, it precisely indicates that various companies like Apple, Sony and TCL are investing in virtual reality, with precise home transmission of several times support for two 4K phones (one for each old) to provide a better experience to the user, A new solution from Vindral and AMD applies perfectly.

Falando at AMD, today it also launched The new Ryzen PRO 8000 processors for AI-powered enterprise desktops and laptops.

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