Anatel may open regulation on fixed broadband

During the NEO Association event which organized it (08/05), Carlos Baigorri, president of Anatel, commented on the possibility ofA agency officially abdicated regulation of fixed broadband Internet. According to Baigorri, the “remedy losing its effectiveness, can make the market higher than the entry bar”.

Due to the offer made on insurance, it is possible to advance a preference for PPP (Prestadoras de Pequeno Porte) in the availability of fixed broadband throughout the country which is going out or at risk of a problem caused by “abuse of market power» Despite the large operators, there is therefore no greater motivation for regulation.

Baigorri also explains why it actually works as an asymmetric regulation in the market and which is also important for large operators, like direct, for example. Veja:

This reality is that asymmetric regulation is not going to ensure that, for example, a Vivo turns to PPP, but that it is going to be encircled as the holder of significant market power (PMS) and a precise decision to make offers public services for your transport network. Anatel system, or SNOA.

The president of Anatel also said that Internet providers do not request more the EILD (Industrial Exploration of Linhas Dedicadas) for a large operator as the intuition of being able to compete in its market, a problem that does not exist Again:

There are many times when no one has successfully created an EILD for a large carrier. This means that it is a segment of these problems.

Actually, more than 50% in the local market and fixed broadband distribution As a PPP, there are more than 5 million Brazilian cities that have the preference of a regional provider to provide Internet services and this number is expected to grow even more over the years.

But there is no certainty about how Anatel claims to act, but it is only a suggested idea and should be worked on to adapt to the current scenario of the Internet market.

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