Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, said third (7) that a big tech will make efforts to help with Rio Grande do Sul's catering operations. Cook disclosed this information in a message posted to your personal contact on X/Twitter. There are no details on running equipment to assist in our cleaning efforts, clothing or clothing.
In other times when Apple has contributed to the restoration operations of tragedies, such as during the era of Paquistão, China and the land in Turkey and Syria, there are also no immediate details on what was done. No case of Paquistão, in 2022, at Apple deu uma quantity not specified of dinheiro.
Oh Tech Blog Get in touch with a great technician to find out more details about what this action will be. The material will be updated so that we can respond.
Our thoughts are with those affected by the devastating and tragic floods in Brazil. Apple will donate to relief efforts on the ground.
– Tim Cook (@tim_cook) May 7, 2024
In his publication, Tim Cook said that “our hearts are with those who are victims of the devastating and tragic auctions in Brazil.”
Operadoras Brasileiras Liberam Internet Gratuita
Aqui no Brasil, as telephone operators Claro, Vivo and TIM release a free Internet package for users in approved regions. The deductible varies depending on each company (between 5 GB and 10 GB), but in the medium term, customers on pre-pagos and post-pagos plans may be alienated.
On the other hand, as telecommunications operate in red, which allows moradores in most of the 100 approved localities to use any telephone tower. For example, a Claro customer can create a link via a connection with an external antenna. To use this remedy, it is necessary to activate smartphone roaming.
Vivo and Claro also carry out measurement campaigns for restoration efforts. People who want food or roupas can enter the physical lojas of Claro.
Information on: Apple Insider