Apple says the antitrust process is erroneous and interference from the US government

Após o Departamento de Justiça dos Estados Unidos Entering an antitrust process against Applea Cupertino company turned to a public rebate as accused of American authorities.

Second to Apple, she não opera nenhum monopólio And the authors of the action are errors on the facts and the interpretation of the lei. The company also says it must defend itself “vigorously.”

Confirm the declaration sent to Macrumors.

At Apple, we have every day to create technology that people love, design products that work perfectly together, protect people's privacy and security, and create a magical experience for our users. This process improves some and the principles that differentiate Apple products in ferozmente competitive markets. This is a detriment to our ability to create the kind of technology people expect from Apple — all hardware, software and services are considered.

Apple also said its statement that this process may create a precedent risk that may result in US government interference in the technologies people use today.

(…) it is also capable of governing a person who weighs on people's technological project. We are accredited that this process is errado on fats and laws, and we will vigorously defend ourselves against them.

The process moves to the DoJ on 88 pages and is also sent by Apple. Therefore, the company did not provide further explanation about the accusations.

Segundo o Departamento de Justiça dos Estados Unidos, un tem Apple monopolistic practices throughout or your product ecosystem and does not belong to iPhone.

This is one of the reasons you took action:

  • And Apple is interrupting the growth of innovative applications to benefit your life
  • Apple blocks game distribution in new
  • Apple improved message quality across platforms in favor of iMessage
  • Apple does not allow the integration of the Apple Watch with Android smartphones and limits the integration of the iPhone with other watches.
  • Apple is blocking third-party apps from using Tap-to-Pay functionality on iPhone.

Apple's anticompetitive behavior also affects the “web browser market, video communication, notification assistance, maintenance, automotive services, advertising, location services and many others.”

In case of condensation, Apple may be forced to open your ecosystem my greatest intensity in what is happening in Europe.

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