How do the redes meves em reas impactadas pelas chuvas no Sul? | Detective TC

As you remember the last few weeks in southern Brazil – particularly in Rio Grande do Sul, but also with the events in Santa Catarina – you are confident with the structure and local abasement.

Not having access to the satellite connection bridge would be possible throughout gaucho territory, as our boatos our first daysas the main operators tackling the problems of certain cities in the region.

So how are the telephone networks moving at this time in our impacted states on strong hair? What happens as the most affected operators throughout the day? What other details exist about the insurance? Oh Detective TudoCelular provide you with information on our files from the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and separate the tasks to follow.

General Afetao

Two 497 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, as well as less than 263 people were affected for a month during this month of May. The biggest register, when you reach this total number, appears in day 5.

On occasion, Anatel data shows that 26 cities have fully assured operation, or approximately 237 apneas which have a partial impact on the operation of the mobile service.

In Santa Catarina, which does not have the same intensity as the men in Rio Grande do Sul, there is no general surveillance day of all operators in a specific city.

A single day with the greatest partial instability was precisely the first to have intense injuries, it happened on May 2. On occasion, 43 cities were affected by the parties, out of a total of 295.

Impacts for operators

When we have the file of each operator, as three main companies at the national level, we present problems in distinct volumes in Rio Grande do Sul, throughout the duration of the working days.

One of the main activities was TIM, which recorded a total problem in 123 cities, on May 5. Já a Vivo chegou a ser affetada par completo em 87 municípios no dia 3, data do major registro. Of course, it was less affected, with the main problems encountered during the first two days of flooding (02 and 03/05), with a maximum of 59 localities affected in total on May 2.

In the Catarinense territory, on the other hand, Claro chegou made a final decision in new cities, no day May 2. Since day 3, there have been no intercorrências – nem parciais – with an operator not in good condition.

And TIM is also present in the first day, with five municipalities of the forum and other 19 with parciais problems. Most days there are no errors, or it's a partial way.

Já a Vivo began to present a complete impact in a city, in the 10 day, while others were confirmed in the parties. Tomorrow there are problems moving solo.

What is the current century?

Since May 14, the city has had a total problem in its mobile phone service in Rio Grande do Sul. However, in the publication data of this text there are already 113 municipalities with partial problems not provided by the signal.

Claro is a unique operator who has no issues with his entire move. TIM also has full influence in 21 gay cities, while Vivo has full impacts in five localities in the state at that time. The entire participants to an operator at that time:

  • Arroio do Meio – Vivo
  • Arroio do Tigre – TIM
  • Bossoroca – TIM
  • Butia – TIM
  • Cerro Branco – TIM
  • Chuí – TIM
  • Constantine – TIM
  • Coqueiro Baixo – TIM
  • Cotiporã – TIM
  • Encantado – Vivo
  • Encruzilhada do Sul – TIM
  • Lagoa Bonita do Sul – TIM
  • Minas do Leão – TIM
  • Muçum – Vivo
  • Poço das Antas – TIM
  • Putinga – TIM
  • Roca Sales – TIM e Vivo
  • Santa Vitória do Palmar – TIM
  • Santana da Boa Vista – TIM
  • Sao José das Missões – TIM
  • Tabai – TIM
  • Travesseiro – TIM e Vivo
  • Vale Réal – TIM
  • Vespasiano Corrêa – TIM

In Santa Catarina, some three municipalities also have problems with the three main operators. The list is made up of Navegantes, Novo Horizonte and Timbó.


Since May 3, as operators Têm offered in the aberta red format among other clients from Rio Grande do Sul. This means that, when an operator is in a locality, its assassins can access the signal of one of the two other competitors.

“To minimize impacts on the active population, Conexis Brasil Digital associations that do not authorize their form networks, and automatically have access to the networks available to customers of any operator.”

Conexis Brazil

To access the network outside the operator of the cities concerned, the user must activate Roaming on their smartphone. TudoCelular published a TC Ensina column to explain how to carry out the process. You can confer this link.

Chuvas alert

This will allow operators to also offer an emergency alert service to the population in a risk situation, through the land registry, by text message (SMS). To carry out the cadastre, the user will have to send a message for the number 40199 with the CEP to be sent to be monitored.

A new Chuvas alert is also planned to be launched during the first half of the federal year, through messages in pop-up format to all devices in the same region. The difference is that it is not necessary to carry out any prior registration.

What is your endorsement on the current scenario of the red movement in the areas affected by the men of the South? Interaja conosco!

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