An error message “do not download story” appears when Instagram does not process the publication of the question, but when viewing another's story or when sending (downloading) 'a new publication.
The story issue that cannot be resolved is related to bugs in the app, interruptions to our platform services, phone configurations, or restrictions of the connected network.
Then you can try to fix Instagram story download problem to eliminate the work of posting.
1. Reset Instagram App
To reset the Instagram app, you need to specifically search for the app that provides access to the multi-page menu. On an iPhone, you have to unplug it or do it from the bottom and bring it to the center of the phone.
On Android, on the other hand, the process is like using gestures, or tapping the “Recent Apps” button. In other cases, you can find the Instagram app and download it for cima.
Force to do this to solve the Falha dos Stories do not keep, view that can improve the general functioning of the application, já que lá iniciando-o novomente el recarrega also your processes in the second plan.
Instagram sometimes goes through internal issues that can prevent the user from viewing stories. It is not possible to determine which frequency it corresponds to, but the DownDetector has been added to Check if Instagram is there. This will make it easier for you to perceive when an error occurs in your device or something widespread.
In this case, a unique solution is to be hoped for, such as a correction carried out at certain times or days, depending on the users involved on Instagram.
3. Refresh the Instagram app
Activate the Instagram app on Android or iPhone You may find fixes to issues that exist in earlier versions of it. That's why it's always important to update the app, just to avoid unexpected errors, including those that prevent viewing Instagram stories.
4. Clean Instagram app cache
The cache is a temporary archive memory that can be used quickly when necessary, usually to facilitate the execution of a program or application. Therefore, this data can be accumulated, making the system slower and decreasing the space for arming other archives.
Therefore, clean app cache on Android You can say it to solve the problem. Unfortunately, on the other hand, there is no easy form of clean iPhone cache Like on Android, but also reinstall the Instagram app or clear cache.
The connection with the Internet is fundamental for viewing stories on Instagram, since the application requires a constant connection to download the video that will be broadcast. If you have a slow connection, the app cannot download stories, presenting an error message in your location.
Check that it's connected to a Wi-Fi network, which usually offers a faster and faster connection to the Internet, or else you can ensure that your mobile data is bound to use your carrier's 4G/5G network.
6. Make sure the connected network is not connected to Instagram
It is possible that the connected network is limited to accessing Instagram, preventing stories from continuing and the application adequately, also sending multiple corporate Wi-Fi networks due to proxy restrictions. You control user access to specific sites and applications, such as the case of Instagram.
In case there is a restriction, a solution is use a VPN — recurso which simulates the presence of the user in another room. But there are VPN services that are not very confidential, but have the ability to pass data. Meanwhile, other safer services for your use. It has become easier to connect to your operator's 4G/5G mobile networks.
7. View cell phone data and time configurations
It is important that cell phone data and times are linked, as they can influence the ideal functioning of Instagram. In this case there are errors, it is possible to encounter conflicts with the application servants, which prevents the stories from always being loaded.
For example, if this happens with a difference of more than 24 hours — the maximum time the stories are available for a few visits — it can resolve a synchronization problem with the servers. Therefore, it is always important to update the cell phone data and time.
8. Confirm your book storage space without cell phone
The internal armament of the cell phone is the operational system, photos, videos and applications are backups, as well as archives essential for the ideal functioning of the system or application. When you come, the Instagram application can do work and time, see what is precise in the space to process the data. It is also possible to prevent cache arming, prevent media from temporarily downloading.
Then app assets, like Reels and Stories, cannot appear and must load correctly. Therefore, it is always important free up space on Androidlike me free up iPhone memoryfor sufficient armament for proper execution of Instagram and also for the case of installing updates.
9. Review cell phone privacy and security settings
There are privacy and security settings that can prevent Instagram from connecting to the Internet, or even accessing certain components of the smartphone that can affect the application. Some smartphones have even been removed due to privacy permissions if the app is not used.
To do this, on Android, tap and secure the Instagram icon, click the “i” in the pop-up window that appears, tap “Permissions” and allow access to “cameras” and “photos and videos “, mostly. On the front, tap “Data is moving” and allow data to be used on the second side.
On iPhone, then in the settings, until the end of the page, click on “Instagram” and authorize the application to access the elements of the mobile phone, mainly mobile data.
How to recover a story that was sent to Instagram?
No. It will be accurate to republish the failed post. There are several edits, such as texts and stickers, for example, to avoid retraction, by recovering the edited video and publishing it as an edit.
For this, go to your Instagram stories, come across the story that makes you think about our three lower points of view and “Salvar”. After some salute, the Republic in the middle of the salute is currently downloading its gallery normally.
Is this how you tell a story that doesn't have to do with Instagram?
Sim. To cancel a story that has nothing to do with it, it is precise to access you Instagram Stories, discover the history of the problem, address our “very points” in the lower part and after in “Exclude”. A message confirming the exclusion must be sent by specifically clicking on “Exclude” to guarantee that it will be canceled.
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