iPhone: 173 units purchased at Recife Airport by the Federal Police

I helped the Aeroporto Área Restrita series know that the federal police are rigorous when it comes to taxation of potential contraband in Brazil. During a rotation operation carried out at Recife Airport (PE), I learned a large quantity of iPhone cell phones without paying tax fees.

Second information received from the announcement on Saturday (13), where 173 iPhones were purchased for almost R$ 500 million.

The devices are sent transported by a passage that was carried by a traveler from São Paulo (SP) with two discomforts.

Secondly, as authorities, the action “proves the need to continue taxation to help professionals linked to the fight against smuggling and commercial fraud, among other ilicitos, as a form of security of airport operations”.

The reception does not inform you of the passage in advance or you will answer freely. As we can see by the image, various different models foram apreendidos, including the recent ones iPhone15 e iPhone 15 Pro.

Of course, the material learned will be leiloado our famous Leilões da Receita.

(updated April 16, 2024, s 1:22 p.m.)

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