Microsoft will roll out support for Office 2016 and 2019 through 2025

Microsoft today announced that support for Office 2016 and 2019 applications and servers is available October 14, 2025. So, in this year, those who use the Office package have already finished changing to the most updated version or another alternative to replace the software.

Suspending software support is far from obsolete. It's also obvious that your users are vulnerable to hackers, employment issues, and other serious issues. However, Office 2016 and 2019 are not single services that Microsoft will discontinue or support in 2025.

Microsoft wants to display a

April 14

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When mailed to your blog, a comment from Microsoft on the future suspension of the service:

After this end data, Microsoft does not provide further security fixes, bug fixes, or technical support. Use of products after your organization's support has ended is vulnerable to possible security enhancements, productivity losses, and compliance issues.

The blog postage costs are also listed as Office package applications that will be interrupted, then also quote the servants who went to the brief. See the Office software that no support yet in 2025:

Abaixo, temos os Productivity servers which will be deactivated also the data that the programs cited. Confira:

Microsoft is already in communication with its customers of organizations that need to use the log of their applications in their work system in case of need to modify the Assurance or the Service. The company recommends that customers do not register any app bundles for Microsoft 365 E3.

However, like companies that cannot upgrade, even if it is written, they could assassinate Office LTSC 2021. Therefore, this application will be your encerrado no support October 13, 2026then the clients are there to organize themselves for more than a year.

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