Godzilla and Kong: O Novo Império e Dune 2 We continue to send revenue from the most pirated tickets and movies until the last week. Both films certainly fascinate executives at Warner Bros. and show that cinema is more alive than ever.
This week you will also be able to release films Fúria PRImitiva, Kung Fu Panda 4 and Ghostbusters: Apocalipse de Gelo.
Check out the list of most pirated movies and biggest movies of the last week. You can find an atalho through my two abaixo links:
- More pirated movies
- Major bilheterias
More pirated movies
10. Beekeeper – Rede de Vingana
9. LaRoy, TX
8. Madam Teia
7. Oppenheimer
6. Damaged
4. Matador de Aluguel
3. Sleeping Dogs – A Teia
2. Kung Fu Panda 4
1. Duna 2
Major bilheterias
10. Mean Little Letters
- Ticket office US$ 2,000,951
9. Immaculate
- Bilheteria US$14,806,520
8. Uma Prova de Coragem
- Ticket office US$ 22,753,947
7. Someone like you
- Bilheteria US$4,008,256
6. Kung Fu Panda 4
- Bilheteria US$168,187,730
5. Duna 2
- Bilheteria US$267,784,065
4. A Primeira Profecia
- Bilheteria US$10,857,113
3. Ghostbusters: Apocalypse of Gelo
- Ticket office US$ 91,166,923
2. Fria Primitive
- Bilheteria US$13,665,255
1. Godzilla and Kong: O Novo Imprio
- Bilheteria US$142,482,103