OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever announced the end of the third day of his engagement with the company. Sutskever occupies the cargo ship of the company's chief scientist who helps finance. OpenAI has announced a replacement for your cargo: Jakub Pachocki, who was previously director of research at the company.
Contrary to the controversy, it was declared and renewed by Sam Altman in 2023, the disligamento of Ilya Sutskever met in terms of friends — but at least that's what it seems to be, like the publications of colleagues in the social network. Jan Leike, who supports Sutskever in OpenAI's compliance division, was also appointed by the company.
The company's co-founder disclosed his X/Twitter-related activity, posting a memo about the case and an image of the company's top executives: Chairman Greg Brockman, CEO Sam Altman and CTO Mira Murati — that I have to come to the front of the presentation made by OpenAI in the second half. Also in the photo is Ilya's replacement, Jakub Pachocki.
In this note, we have always expanded on the evolution of OpenAI in recent years and explained that your next step will be a multi-person project, but that more details will be revealed in a moment in the future.
Student reactions to their disengagement
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and one of Ilya Sutskever's two founders, also used X/Twitter to comment on the school. Altman told the legate of Sutskever and claimed that the business was not serious or that she was today herself.
The CEO also says that the co-founder of OpenAI is one of the leading minds of the generation and a friend I look up to. The amizade's claim suggests that Altman is actually losing Sutskever. In November 2023, Ilya Tomou was appointed as advisor to OpenAI Helen Toner in the company's commander dispute, Where You Got Fired by Sam Altman.
Porém, dias depois, Sutskever arrependeu do apoio and was one of the 700 officials who assassinated the card signed by Altman. The CEO responded to the cargo four days after departure, and Ilya contacted the advisor.
OpenAI President Greg Brockman also agradeceu as a friend for your contribution to the company. Jakub Pachocki, who promoted the company's cargo, gave Sutsk a vision of the future of deep learning and said the ex-chief was a mentor in this topic. Murati does not comment on the despedida
Information on: Ars Technica, TechCrunch e Reuters