Pesquisadores na Sua desenvolvem gel that avoids to be engaged

The effects of this bebedeira session with friends may be a little but disappear in the near future. Profital, fishermen do it Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)in Switzerland, I will therefore develop a gel which has the capacity to reduce the effects generated by alcohol.

In other words, this product prevents kissing and sends compost to the skin's proteins. In summary form, ele “digest» or alcohol before you come to buy blood from your person. On the other hand, the team responsible for the novelty has confirmed that the article has the capacity to protect most organisms from the danos that have been provoked.

This is because the gel converts alcoholic beverage into harmless acetic acid. As they do not produce effects from employees and surf, this compost even avoids causing health problems. In pre-clinical tests carried out in several countries, it is possible to note that the blood alcohol levels of animals can reach 50%.

Although it is not necessary to get confused, it can also be useful in combating the acts, although it is necessary to test humans to understand what can be safe for their use. An example of use is in patients suffering from intestinal fermentation syndrome, a rare condition in which the body's own produces alcohol, even who does not have a baby.

Fishermen, for example, have the idea of ​​preserving the product before or after consuming alcohol. It was developed from milk skin proteins, which form fervent fibers and transformed into long and fine fibers. Also for lovers of salt and water, as well as the use of iron, glucose and nanoparticles from our planet as catalysts.

In fact, there is no forecast of what gel is available for any.

Confira also: the sons of como pesquisadores usaram do telas hat for reading digital prints this técnica criada que permite o teletransport of images using light.

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