Oh Telegram This is a new function for your users. Trata-to be done Designer sticker, a ferramenta that serves so that people can shout their own figurines in the message. So that I don't know, o WhatsApp is also being tested for a similar function com o mesmo objectivo.
With the ability to create inner packs of stickers, the creation process is very simple. Generally, all that is precise to do is to pull any photo or use an image from the gallery and add texts or desires, like emojis. Likewise, users can develop animated versions of the figurines.
This is not the case, because it is also possible to take an image to save objects and remove the background from the image. On the other hand, the user can use the ferramentas to fix or restore the manual as desired parts. Inclusive, to add a border to the result for a more classic appearance.
After finalizing the process, there is an option to send for someone or add a sticker pack on Telegram. Other details are important to use an emoji to add a figurine to the package, as you will know tomorrow. It is important to mention that the appropriate message should be used by AI to suggest emojis for the user to use.
At the time of sharing, you can send one of the stickers made to the desired contact. Each package also has your own link and app offering pre-viewing for a person to confirm that it is the same as the figures they use in their conversations.
More on Telegram: see the implementation of recurso which promises let our friends know when it's our birthday.