WhatsApp is launching a new banner, which clearly appears on its list of conversations, to attract users with their friends and acquaintances as part of the platform, as a form of promoting “more consolidated communication”.
The new strategic campaign is already available to users who install the most recent app updates on iOS and Android.
During the WhatsApp for iOS beta update, it was revealed that the message was used in a banner to announce new desktop apps. By going through this banner, WhatsApp aims to inform users about the availability and features of their new desktop applications, ensuring that they are aware of the options for accessing WhatsApp.
It therefore seems that WhatsApp continues to use banners to notify users of new recursos or important messages, do you have contact suggestions to initiate a conversation?.
After installing the latest WhatsApp updates for iOS and Android, selected users can now see a new banner at the top of their conversations list.
While you can see when capturing text, some users may receive an incentive message to meet friends and acquaintances to enter WhatsApp. This notification will appear inside a banner positioned at the top of the list of conversations, guaranteeing its visibility always when accessed or in the application.
The banner displayed when capturing text is not the only one that users encounter, but WhatsApp is implemented and several messages are exchanged between different users. Another version of the banner mentions the possibility of using WhatsApp on different devices, thus providing a better chat experience between iPhone and Android. There is also a message that encourages users to consolidate their messaging applications, asking friends to use WhatsApp exclusively, simplifying communication to bring all contacts together on one platform.
To complete, if users deactivate the synchronization of their subscriber catalog with WhatsApp, the banner can also request the synchronization of contacts for an anticipated communication experience.
Do you think Mark Zuckerberg is really trying to get his users to recognize that WhatsApp is a better (and only) messaging option available on the market, but you agree with that?