The beta version of WhatsApp for Android receives a new update, in a week, with a shortcut that allow you to disable the viewing of content in sent links inside the platform.
Second, WABetaInfo, the best one is present in beta version, which makes it function as a kind of additional security camera.
This is why WhatsApp is precisely connected to your servers to generate pre-visualized links with images, titles and CVs. By activating the remedy, the user will deliver this connection.
It is important to remember that, even with this remedy activated, the user will also receive the preview of the links of their contacts. This is why the function can be used for sending links.
And yet, this feature is also very important for business contacts, since some links can generate images that are inappropriate for the working environment.
However, the melody is present at the moment beta version of WhatsApp for Androidmas I don't really have to regret it for her to be fully liberated.