YouTube seeks alternative apps that block ads, like ReVanced

Oh Youtube move to adotar a more aggressive posture in the relationship with alternative solutions to the official platform. Business is getting difficult to use apps like ReVancedwhich also added additional resources, blocks ads, sending one of the main motives for this company.

This will indicate that the decision to block ad blockers from last year, with the platform heading to the bridge of pause video playback in order to detect the use of this type of application. Now, when you use options like ReVanced, you will encounter problems while using the service.

As per the announcement made by YouTube, using apps that violate the terms of service will cause major difficulties for playback. The user may face problems transporting videos and works because the computer is not keeping up with production or is being rented on the Internet.

This has nothing to do with it, as people may feel like they get a message saying “This content is not available in the app”. In fact, developers of alternative solutions can still attempt to answer these questions, but it seems that a better solution is not currently available for an official company application.

Therefore, this means that the traditional version of YouTube is filled with advertisements and remote propaganda that could be done with the Premium Service Assinature. Currently, the values ​​to use on the platform page are:

Plans for YouTube Premium

  • Individual: R$24.90 (monthly) – R$249 (annual)
  • Family : R$41.90 (monthly
  • Student : R$13.90 (monthly, request annual verification)

The assassins go a month later to assassinate a plan.

This means that YouTube has no interference with its use platform of people using adblockers. Agora, because the cenário

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