Apple launches iOS 17.4, with cloud gaming and new emojis; see as mudanças

iOS icon
iOS 17.4 is available for iPhones (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)

Apple has released iOS 17.4 for iPhone. The operational system for protection against side loading and alternative applications is also useful for users in the European Union. Among other world news, we bring you support for game streaming apps, new emojis and more.

iOS 17.4 is now highly anticipated to be the first update that meets the legal requirements of the European Union. For our countries to be blocked, iPhones are:

  • Helps browsers that use other rendering engines — before specifically using Safari WebKit.
  • Supports alternative payment methods when transacting inside apps.
  • Option to use NFC for other digital cards, like Apple Pay.
  • Sideloading: Install apps directly, specifying a subject, as well as Android APK files.
  • Option to use alternative apps on the App Store.

It’s entirely possible that we can promote our countries as a whole. The rest of the world, including here in Brazil, continues to be limited to the App Store, Apple Pay and WebKit.

Game streaming is free

On the other hand, a large team of Apple users have chosen to do so: the iPhone will finally choose cloud gaming applications. Previously, the company considered being a type of Loja considering that it was necessary for the individual release of each player.

As a replacement, services like Xbox Cloud Gaming and Nvidia Geforce Now can finally be used for native apps on iOS. Before, they could work in Safari.

6 new emojis

iOS updates allow you to create new images with emojis. In iOS 17.4 there are new symbols:

  • head swings horizontally (like a “não”);
  • head swings vertically (like “sim”);
  • Fenix;
  • Lima Fatiada;
  • cogumelo marrom;
  • current quebrada.
Emojis of carinhas moving vertically and horizontally, fênix, lima, cogumelo and current quebrando
iOS 17.4 includes carinhas, fênix, lima, cogumelo and current quebrando (Image: Reprodução / Emojipedia)

Charging bikes and more battery information

In iOS 17.4, you will be able to edit the “Battery” section of the Adjust app. Now the system will be clearly indicated when the battery is already in normal conditions. If the component is at 80%, the “Battery Save” field displays the text “Normal”. Before, this didn't appear.

This change is exclusive to the iPhone 15. However, iOS will switch to indicating the number of charging cycles. Apple says the model's battery is capable of passing 1,000 cycles, and in ideal conditions it retains 80% of the original capacity.

Other mudanças

On iOS 17.4, this is a lifecycle refresh, so there are several small new features. Some words:

  • Apple Podcasts will allow you to view episode transcripts.
  • Then, “Open agora” from the Podcasts and Music applications agora goes to “Início”.
  • CarPlay now lets you support car rolls with two tissues.
  • A few moments ago, the boas-vindas web showed a profile photo of the user.
  • From Siri you can read messages in different languages, without selecting our settings.
  • Roubado Device Protection should help you get extra protection in all locations or even when you are searching for a specific location. Before, this second option was possible.

Apple launches iOS 17.4, with cloud gaming and new emojis; see as mudanças

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