Como avisar ao Instagram que alguém faleceu para fazer um memorial ou remover a conta

Illustration showing an Instagram profile with the title "In the memory of" represent a memorial profile of the social network
Saiba like transforming the Instagram profile of a false person into a memorial (Image: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog)

Notifying Instagram that something has been faked is a necessary step in transforming or profiling a memorial or deleting an account from the social network.

Tanto or process of fazing a quanto memorial or removing with precision an understanding of the false. The Instagram contains a certificate of activity or a link for an article of the day as proven.

In no case, in case of withdrawal from contact, it is also necessary to purchase a familiar vehicle or a legal representative of the person you requested.

Then, saiba like transforming the profile of the alguém who faleceu into a memorial or to send for the Instagram remover on the content of the platform:

How to turn a fake person's profile into a memorial on Instagram

1. Go to Instagram Support Page

Use the mobile phone or PC browser to access the Instagram support page ( You will need to find the solicitation form to turn a deceased person's profile into a memorial.

Screenshot of the Instagram support page for requesting the transformation of a profile into a memorial

2. Inform your full name and email for Instagram

Take the first field of the form with your full name. Secondly, number your contact email to receive updates from the Instagram process.

Screenshot of the Instagram support page for soliciting, turning a profile into a commemorative set to show where to insert the solicitor's full name

3. Inform fake name and user name on Instagram

In the third field of the form, write the full name of the person falecida. In the next field, inform the user name of the fake – which is used for identification on Instagram – to continue the process of transformation or profiling into memorial.

Screenshot of the Instagram support page to request the transformation of a profile into a memorial set to indicate the location of the deceased person's full name

4. Want to purchase a fake document or item

Insert a link or click on the “Escolher archive” button to send a certificate of identity or a newspaper article that includes the falecimento of your person and their profile will be transformed into a memorial on Instagram.

Screenshot of the Instagram support page to request the transformation of a profile into a commemorative set to indicate where to send the fake purchase document

5. Mark the Falecimento data of the person who will be homenageada on Instagram

Click on the calendar icon and mark the optional Instagram profile data that will be turned into a memorial. If you don't know what to say, the social network suggests that the data is more approximate.

Screenshot of Instagram support page to request to turn a memorial profile into a set to indicate where to mark fraud data

6. Want a solicitation to transform or profile a memorial on Instagram

If you wish, you can write a comment in the “Additional information” field. Therefore, click the blue “Send” button to conclude a solicitation to turn a profile into a memorial.

Screenshot of the Instagram support page for soliciting, turning a profile into a commemorative set to indicate where to send a solicitation

Instagram says that the pace of analysis of requests may vary. Therefore, there is no defined place for the transformation of a deceased person's profile into a social network memorial.

How I want to contact Instagram for everything I faceu

1. Go to Instagram Support Page

Use the mobile phone or PC browser to access the Instagram support page ( Next, you will find the married person profile removal request form on Instagram.

Screenshot of Instagram support page for requesting removal of a fake person's profile

2. Inform your full name and email for Instagram

Please provide the first two fields of the solicitation form with your full name and contact email to submit to Instagram as the process updates.

Screenshot of the Instagram support page for deleting a profile of a false person using the set to indicate where to insert the full name of the solicitor

3. Inform the full name of the username of the person falecida

Take the third field of the form with the full name of the person falecida. In the next field, enter the name of the Instagram user – the identification tool on the social network – of the person who will have the deleted profile.

Capture the content of the Instagram support page to request the removal of a fraudulent person's profile using the set to indicate where to insert the fraudulent person's full name.

4. Mark the Falecimento data of the person who will be or desativado profile

Click on the calendar icon and mark the Instagram profile error data which will be deleted. If you do not know the exact data, please inquire about the item as soon as possible.

Capture the content of the Instagram support page to request the removal of a fraudulent person's profile using the set to indicate where to insert the fraudulent person's full name.

5. Annex to a purchasing document

Click on “Escolher archiving” to send a certificate of consumption or a document that you understand that you are a familiar or responsible person of the person you have requested.

Screenshot of Instagram support page for requesting removal of a fake person's profile using the set to indicate where to add an item transaction document

6. Want a solicitation to contact a married person on Instagram

If desired, add a comment to the “Additional Information” field. Then, click on the blue “Send” button to complete a request to remove a falecida person’s profile on Instagram.

Screenshot of the Instagram support page for deleting a person's profile used to indicate where to send a solicitation

On Instagram, the rate at which requests are analyzed may vary. Therefore, there is no defined possibility for the exclusion of a false person's profile.

What do you think about turning a profile into a memorial on Instagram?

When the profile of a deceased person is made into a memorial, it tells the following words:

  • The title “Em memória de” is added to the cima or name of the staff falecida;
  • Commemorative performances do not appear in certain areas of Instagram, such as or Explore;
  • Nenhuma pessoa can connect to the contact transformed into a memorial;
  • It is not possible to make new publications in the commemorative profile;
  • Content posted by falsified personnel in their profile, such as photos and videos, continues to be visible to the public along with what they share;
  • It is not possible to edit posts and profile information, including profile picture, photo and video contents, captions, comments and privacy settings.
Screenshot of Instagram app showing Rainha Elizabeth II's profile with description "In the memory of"

Do you want to temporarily disable the failed person's Instagram contact?

It depends. It is not possible to temporarily disable Instagram from something you need to post or send to turn or profile by memorializing or deleting the post. However, before requesting a person, you have access to the connection information, it is possible deactivate or Instagram which arises from the falecido.

Do you have access to an Instagram contact with someone who failed?

It depends. Unlike Facebook, it is not possible to access the Instagram of someone you like. You can then access the profile from a form provided as login information. However, after opening a request to transform the fake's profile into a memorial or request a removal, access is blocked.

How to notify on Instagram that something happened to faze a memorial or delete a contact

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