Google Pixel 8 has role issue and may be recalled to receive mail

Users do Pixel 8 I do Pixel 8 Pro they face role problems in our cell phones. This shows the spread of Google's problems with the filtering of complaints in the last year.

He gathered hundreds of comments on the brand's smartphones that concern cases of “gaguejar” during a role. Something that is not exclusive to the newest models and I see my ancestors.

The problem of system-level design. It is not possible to navigate in native applications, as well as in third-party applications. Assim, this will directly harm the user experience.

Google, for example, allows you to position yourself on the case. In line with the gigantic Mountain View, it is working to fix the bad thing on the Pixel 8 line regarding our oldest devices.

However, these corrections are scheduled for the next version of “robozinho”. The errors may be fixed in the Android 15 update – or you may still be able to fix some things in these months.

At this time, Google has released a second version for developers of the next edition of Android. Pixel phones are expected to be hit with this big update as early as October – as they did with their predecessors that year.

What is your opinion on the new error encountered on Google's cell phone? Diga para a gente.

(updated March 30, 2024, at 1:50 a.m.)

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