a pgina governmentalamental mais acessada do mundo, aponta levantamento

The login page of, the digital services platform of the Federal Government of Brazil, is the most accessible in the world, in the government category. Information about a product disclosed by the site Similarweb, specialized in type analysis.

Agree with o Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Serpro), which is responsible for Gov.bra platform It is currently used by more than 150 million Brazilians and provides access to more than 4,200 government digital services.

“The has more than two million integrated systems operating in around 500 services, which record 4 million accesses per second to the portal,” commented the president of the SerproAlexandre Amorim, in interview.

Then, Amorim, the most used services are the Carteira de Trabalho Digital, the Virtual Center for Waiting for the Federal Revenue (ECAC) and Meu INSS. On the other hand, the platform has the possibility of opening the business, to the digital transport card and more.

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Cities can also obtain certificates, such as those with disabilities and certified by the Cadastro Unico (CadÚnico), which facilitate access to other public services. There is also a possibility of using the services of the federal revenue.

On the other hand, the government is at the Assinatura Eletrônica, so that the user assimilates a document, to my digital image, from its report, with the same validation of a physical assinatura. At this time, I have already completed more than 70 million assassinations.


Para fazer o cadastro no, basta fazer or download the official application of the platform, available for Android and iOS. Afterwards it is, é só digital or CPF thisLet's “continue”, to cry out, what will be no level Bronze, the most basic available.

To undergo the Prata level, cities can access facial biometrics with the CNH, be a federal public service or facilitate connection to one of the two credit banks. I have already told you that the facial recognition of the hair app is required. In the event of death, access the page

And you, are you really on the government's platform? Contact our comments below!

Desenvolvedor: Governor of Brazil


Tamanho: Varia de cordo com a plataforma

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