Government confirms adoption of cellular broadcast in Brazil – Tecnoblog

Illustration depicts a text message that says "Emergency alert - Civil Defense: risk of flooding along Coronel Veiga Street
Emergency alert even if the cell phone is not silent (Illustration: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)
  • The federal government tested the cellular broadcast system for emergency alerts in the smallest Brazilian cities in the first half of the year, according to the announcement by Armin Augusto Braun, director of the National Center for Risk and Disaster Management (Cenad) .
  • Cell broadcast allows alerts to be sent to all smartphones in a specific area, making them act like sirens, they are not silent or disturbed, unlike SMS alerts which ask for the number previous.
  • Anatel and telephone companies have already tried to do this for 14 months, and it was in contact with the Ministry of Integration and Civil Defense in December 2023, but has still not been used. Implementation depends on the capacity of Estaduais and municipal civic defenses.

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