Greater risk of early death in men who have sex with low testosterone

Oh risk of early death theme increased our homes devido aos low testosterone levels. But less is what was discovered by an international team of fishermen, showing a relationship between these two men, while people with heart also have the greatest chance of meeting their own reason.

This article was published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine and was classified as a systemic review and meta-analysis. Scientists involved in the University of Western Australia are in contact with the participation of fishermen from America and Europe. You will have access to information on 11 scientific studies and medical data from 24 million men.

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With this, they identify that men with a low concentration of testosterone have a greater chance of softening an early death. Just so I don't know, the hormone level is considered low when concentrations below 7.4 nmol/L (213 ng/dL) are encountered. But there are other important details about these numbers.

When a concentration is below 5.3 nmol/L (153 mg/dL), scientists discover that there is a major risk, specifically of death from cardiovascular disease. Idols are seen with a greater presence alongside celebrities.

What is testosterone?

In summary, testosterone is the main male hormone, sending the person responsible for the development of various attributes. For example, beard development, sexual organ development, body formation and voice absorption are all attributed to this hormone.

Daniel Kelly is a biochemist and senior professor at Sheffield Hallam University (England) and explained about the decline in levels, which appears naturally after the age of 30:

This decrease over the duration of the tempo develops from, on the one hand, a slow decrease in the ability of the testicles to produce testosterone and a reduction in the sinuses that the instrument uses to do so.

In cases where the hormone is most concentrated, it is necessary for an endocrinologist to prescribe hormonal rest. But men can choose to choose natural things to eat better, sleep and do physical activities.

Veja too: a battery created by scientists that simulates the effects of physical exercises on the body a blood battery developed with a capacity of generate energy for hemoglobin.

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