How to consult the CPF for the issuer or controller of the cadastral situation

How to consult the CPF for the issuer or the Comprovante de Situação Cadastral (image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)
How to consult the CPF for the issuer or the Comprovante de Situação Cadastral (image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)

Consulting the CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) is a procedure used to check the current status of the document attached to the Receita Federal do Brasil.

The organization's website allows the city to issue a cadastral situation declaration, which provides information on the regularity or irregularity of the CPF, indicating that it is in progress or pending, and that it has dependencies associated with the document.

A consultation is useful to understand the regularity of the CPF during the processes of opening bank accounts or obtaining credit, for example.

To do this, access the Receita Federal website on your mobile phone or computer and provide your personal data.

Then you can consult the regularity of your CPF and find out more details about the supplier.

1. Access the cadastral situation page with CPF and nascent

Between the page Comproving Cadastral Situation no CPF, no Receita Federal website. Inform your CPF number and your registration details to our corresponding camps. Click or tap on “Sou humano” to display a captcha on the page to validate your access.

Provide the CPF number and birth data (image: Emerson Alecrim/Tecnoblog)

The service was designed to work in a desktop browser, but also in tablet or mobile phone browsers.

2. Click on “Consult” on the Receita Federal website

Click or tap the “Consult” button. If the informed data is current, the CPF regularization provider will be exposed on the Federal Revenue website, perhaps included.

Click on it "Consultant" to check the regularity of the CPF (image: Emerson Alecrim/Tecnoblog)

3. Go to the “Cadastral situation” to check the regularity of the CPF

Consult the “Cadastral situation” field to find out if your CPF is regular or irregular. The Receita Federal website will also confirm the CPF number, and display the full name, birth data and registration data in the Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas.

View field "Cadastral situation" to find out where the status of the CPF is (image: Emerson Alecrim/Tecnoblog)

What does the Comprovante de Situação Cadastral serve?

The Comprovante de Situação Cadastral informs whether CPF is active and there are circumstances that require regularization. If the document is irregular, the city may have difficulty opening a banking contact, obtaining financing, drawing a passport or participating in the public competition, for example.

What does regular or irregular CPF mean in the Comprovante de Situação Cadastral?

The Receita Federal informs that the CPF is not regular as Comprovante de Situation Cadastrale when the document is active and has no dependencies linked to it. The system may display the following status:

  • Regular: no dependence of cadastras or tax relations with CPF;
  • During regularization: indicates that the CPF is irregular due to the absence of an income tax declaration (DIRPF) in our last five years;
  • Suspense: o The CPF is suspended due to incomplete or inconsistent information linked to the Federal Revenue;
  • Canceled: o The CPF has been canceled by administrative or judicial decision;
  • Falecido titular: o CPF deixou de existent após o registro de falecimento de cidadão nos sistemas da Receita Federal;
  • Nula: The CPF was canceled due to the existence of fraud associated with the document.

If your document is irregular or pending, it is possible regularize the CPF on the Internet.

Dividends on bancos or lojas deixam or irregular CPF?

No. There are no divisions in financial institutions or lojas that may have a negative name in the credit protection organizations, but they have not confirmed their CPF in the federal revenue. You can consult the CPF divisions no Registrato do Banco Central.

Is the Comprovante de Situação Cadastral do CPF tem prazo de validation?

The Comprovante de Situação Cadastral do CPF não tem prazo de validation. However, the document shows the data and time to verify that the informed status was verdadeiro in the day that was generated.

Is it possible to consult the CPF without emerging data?

It is not possible to consult the CPF without emerging personnel data. The Comprovante de Situation Cadastrale system requires that this information be attached to the CPF number to display the status of the document.

Do you want to consult the CPF for your name?

It is not possible to consult the CPF for the name of the Federal Recipe. In addition, emerging data, the Comprovante de Situação Cadastral requests the CPF number to be unique information for each natural person. I have a name that can be used by more than one person, or who will consult the CPF for this instant information.

Can you consult the CPF of terceiros at the Receita Federal?

Sim. Consultation of the CPF of third parties on the Receita Federal is possible when you are aware of the emerging data and the document number of the persons.

How to consult the CPF for the issuer or controller of the cadastral situation

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