PicPay is a new contact method for little people. A new part of a “familiar hub”, designed so that members of the same family can manage financial management in a shared way. Additionally, the smallest details can be completely controlled by the country or responsibility.
It was possible to create links with PicPay up to 18 years old. However, it was more limited when it came to traditional content in features like Emprestimos via PicPay and investments.
In a new modality there is a need to be a species of adaptation of the product for adults to offer high use and resources to the younger audience. This includes access to services such as a debit card, Pix and Cofrinhos, as well as an internal place with “children's” products and gift cards for games, for example.
To enjoy a more engaging experience for this segment, PicPay even allows the app to be personalized with character skins.
It is clear that all contact remedies for the smallest can be managed by country or responsibility. Through the application, they thus define limits, confer completed transactions, program automatic measurements, among other actions.
PicPay Family
Pay attention to the fact that the PicPay direction for the under-18 segment is likely to be the potential of a company to be public, as Pedro Romero, director of financial services, understands:
Under 18s already represent 10% of our conversation opening the first time I go to shout a Pix cat. We are confident that we have found a way to fill an important gap in the market, as it is possible for ferraments to provide a balance between young people and those who are useful to the country.
Pedro Romero, Director of Financial Services for Individuals at PicPay
This is an addition between the fact that the young public hopes that the country will need the design of the “familiar financial hub” with the quality of PicPay to work.
The idea is not to offer products to the individual, but to the family, so that an open conversation with a young person can create or increase the country's engagement with a platform, for example.
The PicPay Family area is provided for an appropriate space inside the application.