Steam Families regains game sharing and parental control procedures

A Steam virtual game announces a new way to share games and facilitate parental control: o Steam Family. Essa plataforma traz a serie de recursos de game monitoring for men and women, currently in beta phase. A new replacement for Steam Family Sharing and Steam Family View, combining some of your old remedies with updates.

Each contact member will have access to a “familiar library” section in their game list, where you can find shared games. If you are a permanent game owner like the original seller, any new titles acquired will automatically be added to the shared games list.

It will be possible to play other family members' games while they are online, even if they cannot use their game simultaneously. Além disso, It is possible to save progress and individual achievements.

Each person with Steam Family can meet you with five other family members, each with one designated as your father or son. Only adults have permission to manage the account, implement parental controls, set play time limits, view play time reports and select games a child can access. Além disso, adults You can control access to Loja Steam and aos bate-papos.

The Steam family too simplify the purchase approval process for children, tornando-o more practical and, ideal for Steam, more frequent. While children can ask an adult in their family to pay for purchases, their country can send these requests by email or telephone, accepting or refunding a purchase.

The Steam Family is currently in beta and requires every member to be registered to participate. To enter, you must access the interface and select “Steam Family Beta” in the “Client Beta Participation” menu.

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