How do I know what belongs to me in a cell phone number? See 5 forms of discovery – Tecnoblog

Here are 5 ways to find out or give away a cell phone number (Image: Lupa Charleaux/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Telegram No nosso channel no whatsapp Messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Telegram, can help you check the cell phone number. After adding the contact to your phone's calendar, you can use messages to find out … Read more

Nubank's superapp and chatting with all cats – Tecnoblog

O superapp do Nubank e o chat com todos os chats (Imagem: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)

Nubank offers new services and services to its customers. Além to consolidate the investment front in your own application, by abandoning the Nuinvest platform, your bank will offer an international contact e you will be at your own cell phone operator. Is your company trying to create a Brazilian version of two great apps? In … Read more

Offer WordPress with the purchase of Beeper, messaging application aggregator – Tecnoblog

(Imagem: Divulgação/Beeper)

Automattic, donated by WordPress, completes the acquisition of Beeper (Image: Disclosure/Beeper) Saiba more sober Automatic No nosso channel no whatsapp Beeper, an aggregator of messaging applications, is the new integrated member of the portfolio of Automattic, a company created by WordPress. As companies anunciaram has acquired this terça-feira (9). It is the second messaging app … Read more