US policy allowing some US tech shipments to Huawei under assessment

The United States government is currently assessing a policy that allows some US technology shipments to Chinese tech giant Huawei, according to a report by Reuters on Monday. The policy, which was put in place by the previous administration, allows US companies to sell some technology components to Huawei if they are made outside of the United States and do not pose a national security risk.

The assessment comes as the Biden administration is seeking to take a tougher stance on China, including its tech companies, amid concerns about national security and human rights issues. Huawei has been a key target of the US government’s efforts to restrict China’s access to American technology, with the company facing sanctions and restrictions on its ability to do business in the US.

The policy allowing some technology shipments to Huawei has been controversial, with critics arguing that it undermines efforts to limit Huawei’s access to US technology. However, some US companies have supported the policy, saying that it allows them to continue doing business with Huawei without violating US sanctions.

The assessment of the policy is expect to be complete in the coming weeks, and could result in changes to the way US companies do business with Huawei. The Biden administration has not yet announced a decision on the policy, but officials have signaled that they are considering taking a tougher stance on China’s tech companies.

The US government’s efforts to restrict Huawei’s access to American technology have been a major point of contention in the ongoing trade tensions between the US and China. The outcome of the assessment could have significant implications for US-China relations, as well as the future of the global technology industry.

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