A satellite designed to inspect space junk just made it to orbit

Astroscale's ADRAS-J spacecraft, a demonstration satellite that could inform future space debris cleanup efforts, is now in orbit after a successful launch from New Zealand on Sunday. The satellite was sent into space atop a Rocket Lab Electron rocket. Its mission, selected by the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) for Phase I of the Commercial Debris Removal Demonstration Program, will see ADRAS-J encounter an old Japanese rocket upper stage that has been in orbit since 2009.

The accumulation of waste in Earth's orbit from decades of spaceflight is a growing problem, and space agencies around the world are increasingly working to address it, often calling on private companies to develop potential solutions. One of the most effective ways to deal with space debris might be to deorbit it, or move it to a lower altitude so it can burn up in Earth's atmosphere. ADRAS-J will be the first to target an existing piece of large debris and attempt to approach and characterize it safely, relying on ground data to refine its position.

Over the next few months, it will move towards the target and possibly attempt to get close enough to take images and assess its condition to determine if it can be removed. “ADRAS-J is officially in service and ready to encounter space debris! » the company tweeted. “Let the new era of space sustainability begin!” »

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