Barbara Corcoran says Kylie and Travis need to be realistic about mansion woes

Play video content Barbara Corcorangives practical advice for Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott because of their desperate attempts to get rid of their ultra-posh Beverly Hills mansion. We brought the “Shark Tank” star out to Los Angeles earlier this week…she tells us the exes cutting the price from $21.9 million to less than $18 … Read more

Driver pleads guilty in crash that killed Treat Williams

Photo: John Paul Filo/CBS via Getty Images The driver in the Vermont crash that killed Treat Williams accepted a plea deal that will allow him to avoid prison, WTEN Reports. Ryan Koss, 35, pleaded guilty Friday to a reduced charge of careless driving resulting in death. According to at CNN, a judge ruled that Koss' … Read more

Abuse while I was pregnant was cruel, Meghan tells panel as Harry watches

The Duchess of Sussex has slammed women who “utterly spew hate” towards other women online, calling on female tech executives to do more to block this, with encouragement from Prince Harry. The Duchess, speaking at an event about women in media in Austin, Texas, said she couldn't 'understand' how people could have been 'so hateful' … Read more

Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin have been secretly engaged for several years

Dakota Johnson And Chris Martin have been secretly engaged for several years, according to multiple reports. A source close to the couple says People that they “got engaged years ago but were in no rush to get married.” In 2020, Johnson sparked engagement speculation when she was spotted wearing an emerald ring. that finger. Years … Read more

Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama dies at 68, manga world pays tribute

Dragon Ball Creator Akira Toriyama left us. Thursday March 7, a press release published on the official website Dragon Ball website announced that Toriyama died on March 1 due to acute subdural hematoma. He was 68 years old. Toriyama was an acclaimed manga artist and character designer who first gained mainstream recognition in Japan through … Read more

Travis Kelce seen in the crowd at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour Show in Singapore

The first gentleman of the Eras Tour is back. Travis Kelce was spotted enjoying Taylor Swiftin Singapore on Friday, along with his close friends. The Kansas City Chiefs tight end was photographed by an eagle-eyed fan during the performance, watching the show from a private suite. At his side was once again his friend Ross … Read more

Breaking News: Love May Not Actually Be Blind

In the Season 6 finale of Love Is Blind, a conventionally attractive man greets his equally attractive fiancée at the altar with the words “OK, body.” He expands on those feelings moments later with another powerful declaration: “You got that shit on.” (If it’s not already clear, he is about to ruin her life.) After … Read more

Warner Bros. closes the creator of Red vs. Blue, Rooster Teeth

After 21 years, Warner Bros. closes Rooster Teeth, the production company behind Red versus blue And RWBY, among other titles. The process is expected to take several months, according to an advisory from Rooster Teeth CEO Jordan Levin. published Wednesday on the Rooster Teeth website. The Roost Podcast Network, which features podcasts like Kinda Funny … Read more

Gal Gadot welcomes her fourth baby with husband Jaron Varsano

Gal Gadot is mom — again! On Wednesday, the 38-year-old Wonder Woman The star took to Instagram to reveal that she welcomed a baby girl with husband Jaron Varsano. Gadot, who had not previously announced her pregnancy, shared the surprise news with a photo of herself cuddling the newborn in her hospital bed. “My sweet … Read more