Apple diz que no desativar aplicaes web para iPhone na Unio Europeia

A Apple is a reversal of your decision stop supporting the installation of progressive web apps (PWA) in the European Union. According to an update on a user support page, Apple says it will “continue to offer existing web app capability in the EU” on iOS 17.4.

Meanwhile, secondly on the 9to5Mac portal, Apple observes that the applications of the initial tel will be “built directly in WebKit”, or the engine used by Safari. This means that web applications from third-party browsers like Google Chrome or Firefox cannot be powered by their own engines, but Apple has also supported third-party browser engines from the European Union for updating.

“Users and users who may be interested in removing web apps in the initial beta of iOS in the EU can hope or revert to existing functionality for initial web apps with the availability of iOS 17.4 early of the month”, squeeze out an apple.

And Apple confirmed plans to remove web apps for iOS in the EU in February, a move that severely limits its functionality to prevent push notifications from being sent and data weaponization.

At that time, Apple blamed the Digital Markets Act (DMA), saying it was about building “a completely new integration architecture” that “was not practical to implement” as changes that should allow to acquire a DMA. No entanto, agora Apple decided to reverse its decision after “receiving requests” to continue to launch or file an appeal.

Apple's decision to eliminate web apps has drawn criticism from users and users alike. A for-profit open web advocacy organization has begun conducting a search for medium amounts of serial developers to discontinue iPhone web apps. Apple's decision was also noted by the European Commission.

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