Como pesquisar um artigo no Google Acadêmico

Illustration presents the Google Acadêmico logo
Saiba how to use Google Acadêmico on cell phone and PC (Image: Lupa Charleaux/Tecnoblog)

Search for an article in Google Acadêmico or use the Google platform to discover and access scientific articles. This practice is common among students and fishermen who work to train their teachers, students and university workers.

Access the Google Acadêmico site and insert information about your interest in the searcher and meet professionals related to other fishermen.

More details on how to use Google's search tools can be found below:

1. Access the Google Acadêmico website

Use your computer's browser to access the Google Acadêmico site (

Capture Google Acadêmico homepage content

2. Filter expressions from Google Acadêmico articles

Embaixo do campo de busca do Google Acadêmico, marque:

  • “Em qualquer idioma”: to carry out a search by articles in different languages, or;
  • “Read the pages in Portuguese”: para pesquisar apenas materiais em português.
Screenshot from Google Acadêmico showing how to select a search in any language or apenas en português

3. Search for a palavra-chave in Google Acadêmico

Find a palaver-chave in the search box to search for scientific articles in Google academics associated with the answer. Next, click the blue magnifying glass icon or open the Enter keyboard button to start searching the platform.

Screenshot from Google Acadêmico showing how to complete a task on the platform

4. See search results on Google Acadêmico

Google Acadêmico results show the most popular articles, books, and CCTs related to word search. It should be noted that, in addition to the title and content of the material, the information platform as to the quantity of content has been cited in other academic articles on the topic.

Google Acadêmico also indicates when the material is a publication available in Google Books or a document (doc, pdf, web page) that can be consulted in a digital university library, such as SCIELO.

Screenshot of Google Acadêmico showing the results of a search on the platform

5. Access the Google Acadêmico article

For example, click on the blue title of the article or deliver it to Google Acadêmico to access the material.

Screenshot of Google Acadêmico which allows access to search results

Can you do an advanced search on Google Acadêmico?

Yes, Google Acadêmico offers support for advanced search. If the menu is not displayed on the platform media, you can select to filter the results by:

  • Period : search for published material “At any time”, “Desde (ano de referência)” or select a “Specific period”;
  • Order : try to order search results by “relevance” or “data”;
  • Idiom: filter the material “Em qualquer idioma” or something “Pesquisar páginas em Português”;
  • Kind : search for “some type” of article or apenas “review articles”;
  • Include : Choose to include articles on “patents” and “citations” when searching Google Acadêmico.
Capture of fabric indicated on the grounds of the Google Acadêmico to facilitate advanced search

Is it possible to search Google Acadêmico on mobile?

Yes, you can search for articles on Google Academic using your mobile phone or tablet browser. Integrate a platform interface is already adapted to mobile devices, the search method is even the desktop version.

Do you want to use the Google Acadêmico app?

Google Academic does not have an official application for mobile devices. No, you can use the “Botão do Google Acadêmico” extension on the Google Chrome browser (ão-do-google-acadêmico).

Ao add an extension to Chrome, you will have a call button for Google Acadêmico on the browser navigation bar. On the other hand, you can transfer a search from Google to an academic platform and format references, like citations, for academic workers.

How to retrieve articles available on Google Acadêmico?

Yes, so you will retrieve the articles available on Google Acadêmico. To do this, you are precisely connected to the platform with a Google contact and press the “Salvar” button, with the star icon, which corresponds to the description of the article.

Screenshot from Google Acadêmico showing how to retrieve an article in "Minha Library"

Next, click on “Minha Biblioteca”, no top song directly from the canvas, to see the material bursts while fishing. It is also possible to divide the contents of the salvos into pastes. Try to organize the items you need and, then, make it easier to organize citar na monograph academic work consistent with ABNT standards.

Screenshot from Google Acadêmico showing how to access a salvo em article "Minha Library"

How to search for an article in Google Acadêmico

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