Go explore the name of the Cacau Show for Fazer Vtimas our Stories on Facebook | Detective TC

Em December 2023 e January 2024Oh Detective TudoCelular I have exposed fake propaganda and patronized posts on Facebook as I have explored big brands and used fake things to make a living.

Today this column received a report of a fake ad now that you are using the name Cacau Show to apply your games. I then detailed them.

Hear the shot

In a new case sent to TudoCelular, the cybercriminal uses a fake profile, not the name “Sthefanny Oliveira”, to create an ad in our Stories. The content simulates sharing a fake upload of the “Choquei” profile.

It is assumed that it is false that Cacau Show answered a quiz to bring a chocolate egg – seeing that the passage did not have the last weekend – and a slipper of the carinhosos sea urchins to all those who they swallowed.

On the other hand, it is planned in the publication of a link like an armadillo for the Internet user, with the dizeres “Saiba plus” – a method calculated to attract a potential curiosity for the curiosity to know about the promotion.

How made it happen?

Clicking on the malicious ad link opens a fake page that ends with Cacau Show – cacaushowdobrasil.site. After answering the fake quiz questions, you will open a purchase conclusion, but the message about the quantity of strands the user received will appear.

The golpista page requests user data for a false land registry and, for example, their credit card to finalize their order, even though their value is supposedly zero.

As sensitive and financial information of life, the criminal is able to explore his data in other countries, or he can also make purchases with the name of the linked person, with the “registered” credit card .

What is a meta?

In the December column, the meta asked the TudoCelular detective to take note of what does not allow content that violates the community policy and advertising of the platform. Confirm a rating:

“We do not permit tales that we are violating Community Padrões Or advertising, such as fraudulent activities which aim to gain, embezzle, commit fraud or explore third parties. We have a combination of community reporting, technology, and human review to enforce our policy.

Porta-voz da Meta

In other words, these announcements do not comply with the standards of the platform, or indicate that, after the passage of the company's taxation, the way of proceeding is illegal.

Golpistas se passam por p

January 25

Facebook broadcasts a

December 19

How to report?

A recommendation for this type of situation is to report when you leave a group member or accredit yourself against community leaders, depending on your own application.

To be able to interpret a story, click on our three bridges, without singing directly, and select the option Obtain or denounce. In order, you will specifically select a problem from the list. Knock them Spam.

A social explanation indebted to the elements which enquadram this alternative. Between them, that's what you do on “People direction for Facebook forums using enganosos links”. To finish, click on the button Enviar.

You can also make declarations of a post on the Facebook feed or a profile or page as a thing to do. Basta seguir os passesos abaixo:

To report a post on Facebook:

  • Tap “…” in the post box
  • Click on Denunciar publicação or Denunciar photo
  • Select the option that describes the problem and reports it as indicated in the phone's instructions.

To report a profile or page on Facebook:

  • Go to the profile or page you want to report
  • Tap “…” in the profile box and select Report
  • Siga as instructions on the phone

Did you come across an interesting ad on Facebook? How to proceed in relationship with someone? Tale for people in no space intended for comments.


Responsible: Facebook

Free – offering app-free purchases

Tamanho: Variation of cord with or device

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