Realme 12 Pro Plus revealed in Brazil; price sold at R$ 2,999 – Tecnoblog

Mão segurando o smartphone da Realme, Realme 12 Pro Plus, na cor azul, em um fundo desfocado

Saiba more sober Brazil No nosso channel no whatsapp (São Paulo) The Realme 12 Pro Plus is officially available on the Brazilian market for the third time (2) for prices between R$ 2,999 and R$3,599. Realme's premium mid-range smartphone contains slow and periscopic photography technology, which helps ensure the stability and quality of photos taken … Read more

You don't know how to use computers? – Technoblog

A geração Z não sabe usar computadores? (Imagem: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog)

Generation Z is already born into the digital world. However, teachers and recruiters indicate that younger people have difficulty using a PC. Cell phone capability is spotty, but there is basic computer knowledge in the repertoire. Where is this place by tras disso? In today's episode we discuss supposed Z poor ability to work with … Read more

Plan files with unlimited applications – Tecnoblog

O fim dos planos com apps ilimitados (Imagem: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog)

Phone plans with Facebook and Instagram are unlimited with contact days. The operators' argument is that the volume of data exchanged has been increasing for several years, accompanying the trend towards video consumption. Assim, an application offer for the franchise is not like that. But how do you get the public out of something that … Read more