How to open a WhatsApp contact on Android or iPhone – Tecnoblog

Ilustração mostra tela para apagar contato do WhatsApp para iPhone

It is possible to easily exclude a WhatsApp contact for iPhone or Android via a personal message (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober WhatsApp No nosso channel no whatsapp To exclude everything that is WhatsApp on Android, it is precisely necessary to access the “New conversation” area for messaging and open a conversation with the … Read more

Apple announces an eye update for the iPhone and iPad – Tecnoblog

Apple divulgou que novos recursos para acessibilidade serão lançados ainda neste ano (Imagem: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog)

Apple reveals that new accessibility remedies will be launched this year (Image: Reprodução/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Apple No nosso channel no whatsapp Apple has disclosed for a quarter of a week (15) that you are preparing new accessibility remedies for iOS and iPadOS. The main new thing in this announcement is the eye shaving technology. … Read more

Bug no iOS 17.5 resurrects old and already deleted photos – Tecnoblog

iOS icon

iOS 17.5 is a restorer of photos you have already downloaded (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober iOS No nosso channel no whatsapp iPhone users are related to the fact that the iOS 17.5 update is able to recover displayed images. Second, as people who train afetadas, your devices are showing photos that foram, but … Read more

As a WhatsApp audio converter for MP3 – Tecnoblog

Ilustração de áudios em conversa no WhatsApp

It is possible to convert the audio format on WhatsApp to make it more compatible and accessible (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober WhatsApp No nosso channel no whatsapp To convert WhatsApp audio to MP3, you need to use a third-party tool to transform OGG, Opus or M4A archive into MP3. The process can be … Read more

The iPhone 15 (128 GB) was discovered historically before Dia das Mães – Tecnoblog

iPhone 15 (Imagem: Thássius Veloso/Tecnoblog)

iPhone 15 (Image: Thássius Veloso/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Apple No nosso channel no whatsapp We only have a few days of Dia das Mães, but also at the moment you buy this presentation for you. Today, the latest generation of Apple smartphones, or iPhone 15 (128 GB), for only R$4,589 no Book Market. These are … Read more

How to change the WhatsApp notification button? Saiba personalizes or som dos alertas – Tecnoblog

Ilustração da tela de personalização de toque de notificação do WhatsApp

WhatsApp allows users to change notification of contacts and groups (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober WhatsApp No nosso channel no whatsapp To modify a WhatsApp notification, it is necessary to precisely enter the notification configurations of the message and search for a new one or a number for the alert. The process can be … Read more

Apple abandons the SIM card for our new iPads – Tecnoblog

Mulher sentada usa caneta eletrônica para interagir com tablet

iPad Air 2024: version with 5G working exclusively with eSIM (Image: Disclosure/Apple) Saiba more sober iPad Pro No nosso channel no whatsapp A Apple presents the new generations of iPad Air and iPad Pro At the end of the third day (7), you will find relevant details about the cellular connection versions. The company's tablets … Read more

The iPhone Fold can be used for a forum like this, patented by Apple – Tecnoblog

Galaxy Z Fold 4 tem chip Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1; o iPhone 14 Pro tem um Apple A16 Bionic (imagem: Emerson Alecrim/Tecnoblog)

Apple has registered a dual patent for dual devices that allow the device to be opened for two children (Image: Emerson Alecrim/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Apple No nosso channel no whatsapp Apple registered a new patent for mobile phones and tablets in 2023. Today, technology patented by big tech allows devices to be opened in … Read more

Como baixar figurinhas no WhatsApp pelo Android, iPhone ou PC – Tecnoblog

Ilustração mostra a tela de Figurinhas do WhatsApp

Conheça as diferenças formas de ter novas figurinhas no WhatsApp (Imagem: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba mais sobre WhatsApp no nosso canal no WhatsApp Você consegue salvar as figurinhas enviadas por alguém no WhatsApp ao tocar em cima e adicioná-las como favoritas. Assim, você poderá enviar o sticker para mais pessoas em outras conversas. Também é possível … Read more

Comment faire des figurines pour WhatsApp sur Android, iPhone et PC – Tecnoblog

Ilustração mostra a tela do WhatsApp exibindo o espaço "Figurinhas"

Vous avez le pas à pas pour crier de nouvelles figures sur WhatsApp (Image : Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba plus sobre WhatsApp Non canal nosso pas de WhatsApp WhatsApp vous donne un outil naturel pour créer des figurines sur Android, iPhone et PC à partir d'une bande d'autocollants. Le processus consiste à sélectionner une image de … Read more