How to clean the application cache on Android cell phone – Tecnoblog

Uma mão segura um celular Android com a tela exibido as informações de armazenamento do navegador Google Chrome

Discover the step by step to clean the cache of Samsung, Motorola and Xiaomi mobile applications (Image: Lupa Charleaux/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Hidden No nosso channel no whatsapp The action of clearing the cache of the Android cell phone is carried out in the configurations of the arming of the applications. The remedy is available … Read more

How to open a WhatsApp contact on Android or iPhone – Tecnoblog

Ilustração mostra tela para apagar contato do WhatsApp para iPhone

It is possible to easily exclude a WhatsApp contact for iPhone or Android via a personal message (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober WhatsApp No nosso channel no whatsapp To exclude everything that is WhatsApp on Android, it is precisely necessary to access the “New conversation” area for messaging and open a conversation with the … Read more

Google announces detection of rubles and secret pastes for applications – Tecnoblog

Ilustração com um celular e um cadeado

Google announces new measures for cell phone protection in I/O 2024 (Image: Disclosure/Google) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp resume Even Google I/O 2024, Google announced new security measures for Android 15, including red detection, which blocks the phone from the device if shot from the user's hand, and lock to distance, … Read more

How does a Google map work? Saiba uses the cell phone to pay nearby – Tecnoblog

Imagem de um celular com o logo do aplicativo Carteira do Google

Saiba as cadastrar a cartão no app Carteira Digital and used for payment by approximation (Image: Lupa Charleaux/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Google wallet No nosso channel no whatsapp Google Map is a free digital map app for Android phones. Previously called Google Pay, the app lets you register credit or debit cards to use proxy … Read more

Android will be AI like a cat and Gemini Nano multimodal – Tecnoblog

(Imagem: Reprodução/YouTube)

Google dedicates restricted space to I/O 2024 for Android and AI applications (Image: reproduction/Google) Saiba more sober Gemini (LLM) No nosso channel no whatsapp The president of the Ecossistema Android division, Sameer Samat, presents no Google I/O 2024 plans to improve the user experience of the system. The executive created a new slogan for Android: … Read more

Android will open your leagues and match reviews – Tecnoblog

Print de mensagem no celular

Android device informs about fraud (Image: Divulgação/Google) Saiba more sober Android No nosso channel no whatsapp Google has decided to include artificial intelligence technology on Android against financial investors. The security system of the body of the leagues and the notice in case you detect a person responsible for the fraud. For this reason, you … Read more

Google Map will become functional on older cell phones and smart watches – Tecnoblog

Carteira do Google

Google Card was introduced in 2022 to replace Google Pay (Image: Disclosure / Google) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp Google is updating its support documentation and information on the map app that will work on smartphones with Android 9 or newer and on smartwatches with Wear OS 2.x or newer. It … Read more

Google is testing ChromeOS on Android smartphones – Tecnoblog

Tela inicial do ChromeOS Flex (imagem: reprodução/Google)

ChromeOS initial text (Image: reproduction / Google) Saiba more sober Android No nosso channel no whatsapp Google is currently preparing a method to use ChromeOS, the operating system for Chromebooks and Android smartphones connected to an external monitor. The project is presented to the manufacturer during a requested event. For the moment, it is not … Read more

saiba as AI and Android event assistant – Tecnoblog

Logotipo do Google

Google I/O develops new research on the generative AI market and Android (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp The Google I/O 2024 will be carried out at the end of last week (14), starting at 2 p.m. Brasilia time. However, the company must present news on its generator AI, … Read more

As a WhatsApp audio converter for MP3 – Tecnoblog

Ilustração de áudios em conversa no WhatsApp

It is possible to convert the audio format on WhatsApp to make it more compatible and accessible (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober WhatsApp No nosso channel no whatsapp To convert WhatsApp audio to MP3, you need to use a third-party tool to transform OGG, Opus or M4A archive into MP3. The process can be … Read more