Google announces detection of rubles and secret pastes for applications – Tecnoblog

Ilustração com um celular e um cadeado

Google announces new measures for cell phone protection in I/O 2024 (Image: Disclosure/Google) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp resume Even Google I/O 2024, Google announced new security measures for Android 15, including red detection, which blocks the phone from the device if shot from the user's hand, and lock to distance, … Read more

What are the new virtual assistants for entrepreneurs in difficulty? – Technoblog

Os novos assistentes virtuais vão roubar empregos? (Imagem: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog)

What are the new virtual assistants for entrepreneurs in difficulty? (Image: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog) With only two days difference, OpenAI and Google present their new artificial intelligence products. The two companies have a common goal: virtual assistants capable of circulating on the Internet, hearing the context and communicating with users in an increasingly natural … Read more

How does a Google map work? Saiba uses the cell phone to pay nearby – Tecnoblog

Imagem de um celular com o logo do aplicativo Carteira do Google

Saiba as cadastrar a cartão no app Carteira Digital and used for payment by approximation (Image: Lupa Charleaux/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Google wallet No nosso channel no whatsapp Google Map is a free digital map app for Android phones. Previously called Google Pay, the app lets you register credit or debit cards to use proxy … Read more

Dell and Samsung announce that they are in contact with RS – Tecnoblog

Porto Alegre was a city more afetadas pelas enchentes no RS (Image: Ricardo Stuckert / Presidência da República) Saiba more sober Dell No nosso channel no whatsapp Dell and Samsung are growing tech companies focused on helping people work for the people they want in Rio Grande do Sul. While Dell's facilities in South Eldorado … Read more

Google opens the “Web” filter to display links to our search results – Tecnoblog

Logotipo do Google

Google is addressing AI, but there is an alternative not to use it (Image: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp Google will have an option called “Web” to display links to sites with search results, but show other types of media or answers generated by artificial intelligence. It … Read more

Google will install Gemini Nano on Chrome for desktop – Tecnoblog

Brand of Google Chrome

Google Chrome 126 is already available with Gemini Nano (Image: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp Google will install Gemini Nano, its smallest generative artificial intelligence model, not the Chrome browser. The technology will be launched from version 126. Thus, the browser can locally generate different texts, which … Read more

Android will be AI like a cat and Gemini Nano multimodal – Tecnoblog

(Imagem: Reprodução/YouTube)

Google dedicates restricted space to I/O 2024 for Android and AI applications (Image: reproduction/Google) Saiba more sober Gemini (LLM) No nosso channel no whatsapp The president of the Ecossistema Android division, Sameer Samat, presents no Google I/O 2024 plans to improve the user experience of the system. The executive created a new slogan for Android: … Read more

Google search with generative AI is official – Tecnoblog

Ilustração com uma lupa sobre uma caixa de busca. Atrás estão alguns robôs.

Google cogitates user interfaces with AI (image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp Generative artificial intelligence (AI) comes to the rescue of an official appeal to Google. After a period of testing carried out through the Search Labs program, the company decided to incorporate Gemini to obtain results with “personal … Read more

all the newcomers in AI in Google I/O – Tecnoblog

Marca "G" do Google

Google has been investing in artificial intelligence for more than a decade, Sundar Pichai said in Google I/O 2024 (Illustration: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Google No nosso channel no whatsapp Google announced a new version of Gemini artificial intelligence: Gemini 1.5 Flash is higher and more efficient for multimodal applications, in line with a … Read more

Google reveals Project Astra, an AI that everyone has and which can be read – Tecnoblog

Homem sobre palco, ao lado de telão

Project Astra: artificial intelligence of the rastreia or the environment and its details (Image: Reprodução/Google) Saiba more sober Project No nosso channel no whatsapp Google approved the Google I/O event, which met our United States, to present artificial intelligence power that allows understanding the environment from the camera of cell phones. Through the Astra Project, … Read more