Tim Controle readjusts the confirmed value for you

Since 2024, TIM has been reformulating its services. The TIM Controle plan allows you to readjust the value and go through a monthly increase of R$ 5 for new customers who opt for a contract with Tim Controle.

The increase was carried out and TIM confirmed on Tecnoblog, but added that “customers are notified with at least 30 days of history on new conditions”. Therefore, all this is also beneficial for the mobile company which has just included EXA antivirus for smartphones of all plans.

The plan values ​​must vary between R$49.99 by mês ou R$101.99 por mês. It is not possible to define the limit of the intended data, because the documents submitted to regulatory agencies, such as Anatel, contain basic information. On the other hand, as operators, they improve their services through negotiations with customers or promotions.

We will also tell you that you can improve the service, but this may not be the case. A T.I.M. We also know that customers of other operators who opt for portability will get up to 6 GB of bonuses over the course of a year.

Advantages of TIM control

Currently, the TIM control plans have an Internet database of 5 GB and a bonus data limit that goes up to 20GB. TIM customers also have unlimited links for any carrier, but unlimited SMS depends on the package you receive. R$0.99 por dia.

The company has unlimited access to WhatsApp and Facebook, but voices and videos can be consumed from your internet connection.

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