Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, has been making several changes. First, he showed the door to his employees and then made several changes. Now, he has done something that has caused quite a stir. Musk announced on Wednesday that he has hired a dog as the new CEO of Twitter in his place. Musk tweeted a picture of his pet dog ‘Floki’ sitting on the CEO’s chair of the company, with the caption saying, ‘The new CEO of Twitter is amazing’.
He is best…. Elon says
Many users expressed their thoughts on Elon Musk’s post. One user said, “I think it’s right to take this job.” To which Musk replied, “He’s absolutely right for the job.” Another user asked, “Will Twitter add the option to report animal abuse under new leadership?”
Last December, Musk had stated that he would only run the software and server teams until he finds a “new CEO” to take his place. He made a statement in response to a poll where 57.5 percent of respondents said he should step down as Twitter’s CEO.
Meanwhile, he said, “No one wants a job that can actually keep Twitter alive. No one is responsible… The question is not to find a CEO, the question is to find a CEO who can run Twitter.”