Apple iPhone 16 and 16 Pro: 3D models made as design models

After a series of capinhas reveal themselves as new design possibilities line iPhone16Recently, Chinese informants published images showing 3D models of smartphones.

As I hoped, these devices were built with the rumors and travels leaked at that time in mind. Therefore, we can discover that we iPhone16 e 16 years and over use a new camera module for the jobabandoning the diagonal for a vertical solution.

Furthermore, Pro models must continue to use the same support for your camera module, something that deviates from some previous rumors.

Let's see what we see:

Moving on to the smartphone side, as the images confirm that the current action button must be selected for all units in the iPhone 16 line.

On the other hand, everything indicated, the capture button will also be “democratized”, once previous rumors buy particular that it is limited to Pro models.

An important detail is what we iPhone 16 Pro e 16 Pro Max This is probably the majority of the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus. It is possible to notice this as there are speculations that the clothes of the clothes are to grow more and more to 6.3 and 6.9 inches, respectively.

As I hope, this specific material is considered a sending of a rumor. This is why Apple has not commented or assured.

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