Association of traders who participate in the participation of Remessa Conforme in the STF

The Associação Brasileira dos Lojistas Satlites de Shoppings (Ablos) is united with other associations of brinquedos manufacturers, the Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná and the Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil ao pedir to enter as “amicus curiae ” in a action on STF which questions the Remessa Conforme program.

Second or Migalhas, in Ablos also demonstrates against the federal imposition of taxes for international purchases by paying US$50. caso must be July in plenary sessionbut there is still no data for this to be accepted.

Commenting lawyer Daniel Cerveira, who became Ablos' legal consultant, said traders were also affected by correspondence with Chinese traders.

They (lojistes) have a high operational burden, including various forms of remuneration for local space, therefore a high tributary burden.

In the vision of the national group represented by the CNI and the CNC, or emerging Remessa Compliant program In a situation of unconstitutionality, once the disoneração tributaria of the importance of bens of small value has no equivalence for internally national transactions.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Fazenda argues that it is not possible for the judiciary to define the rules of tributaries, once it comes to an exclusive attribution to the executive body.

Also, if the STF considers the arguments of the process, the Fazenda admits a federal tax of at least 30% in total for international purchases.

Os estados também chegaram a increase the share of ICMS by 25%but popular pressure from Fez or the Committee of Fazenda Secretaries (Comsefaz) is aimed at the management.

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