EUA prevents China and Russia from using advanced software to develop AI

The United States Department of Commerce is preparing to amplify a trade battle against China and I ate in Russia. That's why we revealed that the Biden administration to control the sale of advanced software used to develop artificial intelligence tools like or ChatGPT.

Second trusted source for Reuters, the US government's idea also restricts the export of proprietary models of the AI ​​and requested code. In practice, OpenAI cannot provide ChatGPT or codes for Chinese or Russian companies.

On the other hand, it may also interfere with the use of Google Gemini in devices developed by companies from China. All this must depend on the final text that will be presented at Casa Branca.

However, it is not possible to know whether the impact of the new sanctions may be on the technology market, but this is the next step of the American government after check the sale of chips used to treat AI.

This is why at Casa Branca it appears that the Chinese and Russians are using these tools to launch cyberattacks against the EUA, once they can provoke more sophisticated aggressions.

Procurado para commentar o asunto, o Departamento de Comércio não que manifesto. I have already embaixed Chinese our EUA condenou the movement of the country.

This is a typical type of economic coercion and unilateral intimidation against China with strong influence.

After the repercussion of the insured, fishermen are struggling to govern EUAs, which will result in something like new sanctions, once most AI efforts use open code language.

On the other hand, it is very likely that China is aware of two years spent by the EUA in the development of its own AI software. Logo, there is not much to do to attract the Chinese.

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