Former Call of Duty chief Johanna Faries is Blizzard’s new president

you didn't have to look very far to find the new president of . Former Call of Duty GM Johanna Faries replaces who resigned from his role in the middle . Blizzard was reportedly particularly hard hit as Microsoft laid off around 1,900 people.

Faries, a former National Football League executive, joined Activision as in 2018. She began overseeing all things Call of Duty in 2021 and officially begins her new role on February 5.

Blizzard has operated largely independently since merging with Activision in 2008. As such, Blizzard workers could be forgiven for worrying about someone on Activision's side taking over. often interfered in Blizzard affairs, among others.

In an attempt to allay concerns, Faries that “Activision, Blizzard and King are decidedly different companies with distinct games, cultures and communities. It's important to note that the way Call of Duty wakes up in the morning to meet player expectations can often differ from the mind-blowing games in Blizzard's realm. : each with different gaming experiences, communities around them and required models of success. I've discussed this with the Blizzard leadership team, and I take on this role with sensitivity to these dynamics and a deep respect for Blizzard, as we begin to explore taking our universes to even greater heights. »

Faries added that she is “committed to doing everything I can to help Blizzard thrive, with care and consideration for you and for our games, each unique and special in its own right.” In the meantime, Faries wrote that Blizzard Diablo 4 was part of its current rotation of games, alongside Call of Duty and Baldur's Gate 3.

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