Google Fotos usar dados de atividade do usurio para exibir memrias

O Google Photos It can be helpful to think of several things as an organizing and arming application. E, so as not to lose the personalization resources of social networks, such as Instagram, there are certain elements that help create a certain dynamic for the application interface. It is in this case that the memories generate collections of registers with database and algorithms.

The app support page has been updated to include guidance for a remedy to use user activity data to reveal more relevant memories. It is mainly used as an activity for viewing old memories (or at the same time as ignored suggestions) to provide a more personalized experience.

A company will use os dados coletados our last 18 months To implement this initiative, it will be automatically enabled for controller users. A conta tem liberdade de Proibir essa coleta in Configurações > Personalização based on activities.

Another element to guarantee data security is occult people, estimation animals and memory specific people. It will also be possible to adjust the configurations so that they are based on rhythm or themes.

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