Google launched a new side of the “Meet with my device” rede on Android in brief

A new version of red Meet the Device This is the right to be published by Google for Android system. Lest I know, this feature helps locate the devices you use or the software you are interested in. A trend is that something new awaits the general public in the coming weeks.

Generally, recourse is available version 24.12.14 Play Services beta services and even those that are not available for use should not be highly rated for use on compatible devices. In principle, it will work integrated between various devices with Bluetooth connection.

It also includes cell phones and tags, as well as the appropriate smartphones. Each product is sent outward quickly, resulting in a form of locating a lost cell phone. Likewise, this function can be used to find other types of devices with network support, such as telephones and telephones.

Compliant revealed by fabric captures, has recurso page on Android it is presented with a button that allows you to activate or deactivate the functionality. On the other hand, it will also allow the user to learn it as he is going to use it on the network. This option is to use it in high traffic areas or to associate it with any premises.

The appearance of feedback on the beta version of Play services may be the signal for the upcoming release. It is expected that it will be officially presented today May 14during a Google I/O conference.

Veja too: what must be near or near Google application to receive functions with base no Geminia generative artificial intelligence of the company.

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