Justiça proíbe Meta de usar o nome Meta no Brasil

Mark Zuckerberg's meta will interrupt the use of the “Meta” brand in Brazil (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)

Meta, a big tech founded by Mark Zuckerberg and by WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, can no longer use that name in Brazil. The decision was pronounced by the São Paulo State Court of Justice (TJ-SP) in a quarter session and in court. The author of the process is Meta Serviços em Informática S/A.

The Meta brasileira has been arguing about the use of this brand (Meta) for more than 30 years. Additionally, the Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual (INPI), or mesmo da legal dispute between Gradiente and Apple over the name of the iPhonelicensed the Meta brand registry to a Brazilian company in 2008, after its entry in 1996.

The meta-brasileira has done something for you

(Image: Reproduction/Tecnoblog)
Coincidence with the fact that Meta brasileira and Meta americana are also in the field of technology (Image: Reprodução/Tecnoblog)

In the legal action, Meta Serviços in Informática revealed that it had carried out 143 processes that were not true “even” of Mark Zuckerberg's company. In response to the G1, the Brazilian company said the name change from the former Facebook Inc. had increased awareness among its legal team – and in cases where it was to become a US tech major.

The decision of the embargator Eduardo Azuma Nishi, responsible for the case, would be to establish a conversation between two brands, because two of them did not have technological importance in Brazil as for the international — Meta Serviços in Informática between their services or their development. software.

The meta-brasileira also reveals that it has received in its channels complaints, messages from odio, Procon offices and other requests that should be addressed to a great technician of Mark Zuckerberg.

The American meta can be multiplied to 100 million R$ per day

Mark Zuckerberg's meta took place 30 days ago to make the TJ-SP decision. After that, if this is not the case, a big technology will be multiplied to 100 million R$ per person by violating the process result – which also has a recursive cable. The WhatsApp donor is also obliged to disclose to her customers that the Brazilian meta is the donor of the “meta” brand in Brazil.

Oh Tech Blog Get in touch with Meta Americana to find out where the company stands regarding this case. We did not respond to the publication of this text. The material will be updated each time we respond.

Information on: Poder360 e G1

Justiça proíbe Meta de usar o nome Meta no Brasil

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