Samsung announces new product design philosophy starting in 2030

A Samsung announce that you will have a new product design philosophy To be implemented in your products from 2030. That said, the idea of ​​the business is changed into the form of producing a visual part of your portfolio. Essa nova descoberta must be presented to South Korean during the Milan Design Week 2024preview to contact no dia April 16.

In general, the new video presented by TM Roh, CEO of Samsung MX, is a rumor that the brand claims to follow a mentioned year. Chamada of Samsung Identity 5.0 (DI 5.0), a new corporate philosophy will be the basis of three pillars: Essencial, Inovador and Harmonioso. It's like I'm hoping the thing isn't really “nothing.”

Second, the executive, Samsung has more than 1,500 designers responsible for the new brand philosophy in its various design studios for the red of the world. It is stated that the current model was followed by its implementation, which took place in 1996. This form is the time for the company to initiate its strategy for launching new products in the future.

Regarding the mentioned properties, the first thing to do is to work on the main proposal of the device, even if you have proposed it. Secondly, for you, you need to implement new things like those launched recently, such as translation at a real pace during leagues and aspirants that automatically identify the type of chão to operate.

Partly harmonized from this new philosophy, we are looking for a subject with greater simplicity, functioning like our current days, since Samsung has great integration between its devices for the SmartThings service.

This way we also know in detail what Samsung should do as a design strategy from 2030 onwards.

See also: news about the possible release of a new photography feature for Galaxy models and installed One UI 6.1 for line of Galaxy Tab S9 tablets.

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