On Sunday, Lady Gaga performed unexpectedly at the Oscars. While it is typical for the nominated songs to be sung, Gaga is up for best song for “Hold My Hand” from “Top Gun: Maverick.” However, producers said last week that she wouldn’t be able to attend.
Glen Weiss, the producer of the awards ceremony, provided an explanation of Gaga’s inability to perform during a press conference last week. We get along really well with Lady Gaga and her team, he told Entertainment Tonight. He claimed that she didn’t believe she “could deliver a performance at the standard” she is accustomed to because she is now filming the newest “Joker” movie.
But, Gaga arrived at the red carpet before the awards event even started, and ET confirmed she was going to perform. She shared a portion of the red carpet with BloodPop, the song’s co-writer.