YouTube alerts you about OpenAI to use your videos to learn Sora – Tecnoblog


Saiba more sober Youtube No nosso channel no whatsapp Neal Mohan, CEO of YouTube, said this week (4) that OpenAI cannot use YouTube videos to teach Sora, its video generation. In an event organized by Bloomberg, Mohan knows that the terms of use of the platform risk that the contents of the platform are used … Read more

OpenAI tries to bring together Hollywood studios to use Sora – Tecnoblog

Frame de vídeo criado pela Sora com mulher caminhando pelas ruas de Tóquio

Saiba more sober OpenAI No nosso channel no whatsapp OpenAI is looking for packages to install Sora, its video generator model, in the entertainment industry. The Marco Company brings together Hollywood studios, executives and talent agencies to showcase artificial intelligence and encourage producers to integrate their workers' activities. As information on a report from Bloomberg, … Read more

OpenAI cannot download our videos created using Sora for free – Tecnoblog


Saiba more sober OpenAI No nosso channel no whatsapp Sora's AI model, created by OpenAI to generate videos from in-text descriptions, can include nudes in your rooms. Mira Murati, the company's CTO, said this type of image would be banned from ferramenta, but could be useful to some creators. Em interviewed ao Wall Street Journal, … Read more