Has Washington ever won a national title? History of Huskies football

Washington Huskies linebacker Edefuan Ulofoshio, left, and quarterback Michael Penix Jr. hold the trophy after winning the Sugar Bowl, the second semifinal of the College Football Playoff, on Jan. 1, 2024.

Welcome to 2024, the final year of the current four-team College Football Playoff. Next season, the Playoffs expand to 12 teamswhich means — at least in theory — that even more conferences will be able to participate. But for this year, it is Undefeated Michigan against Washington undefeated on Monday January 9a preview of another … Read more

New 2024 attractions in Smokies feature Crayons, Nerf, Dolly Parton

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a magnificent sight to see and attracts millions of tourists every year. But these tourists don't just stay within the park boundaries, of course. They know how to have all kinds of fun Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and beyond. Next year, visitors to the Smokies will have plenty of … Read more

Texas-Washington Sugar Bowl predictions for College Football Playoff

The second College Football Playoffs today's semi-final could lack some of the star power of the Rose bowl. This could end up being the best matchup with two of the most explosive offenses going head to head. Washington has the passing of quarterback Michael Penix Jr. and three of the nation's best receivers, led by … Read more

NFL draft prospects in College Football Playoff include 10 standouts

Texas defensive lineman T'Vondre Sweat (93), center, huddles with teammates during the game against Kansas State at Royal-Memorial Stadium, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023, in Austin.

NFL scouts and talent evaluators will observe and take notes on top prospects playing in this year's college football playoffs. They will be spoiled for choice. All four playoff teams — Michigan, Washington, Texas and Alabama — are brimming with first-round potential, which might explain why, you know, these are the four teams poised to … Read more