Has Washington ever won a national title? History of Huskies football

Washington Huskies linebacker Edefuan Ulofoshio, left, and quarterback Michael Penix Jr. hold the trophy after winning the Sugar Bowl, the second semifinal of the College Football Playoff, on Jan. 1, 2024.

Welcome to 2024, the final year of the current four-team College Football Playoff. Next season, the Playoffs expand to 12 teamswhich means — at least in theory — that even more conferences will be able to participate. But for this year, it is Undefeated Michigan against Washington undefeated on Monday January 9a preview of another … Read more

College football changing forever after Michigan-Washington title game

The Michigan Wolverines won the Rose Bowl for the first time since losing to Washington State on January 1, 1998, capping a perfect season.

In a sport accustomed to recycling its national champion from the same small pool of programs, the last match of this college football season will offer something that hasn't been seen in over three decades and that unfortunately we will never see him again. Big Ten vs. Pac-12. Midwest versus West Coast. And perhaps most … Read more

Washington respect tour continues after defeat of Texas in Rose Bowl

Washington quarterback Michael Penix Jr. (9) avoids pressure from Texas defensive end Ethan Burke (91) during their College Football Playoff semifinal game at the 2024 Sugar Bowl.

NEW ORLEANS — Maybe it was because of Arizona State (15-7). Or Stanford (42-33). Or Southern California (52-42), Oregon State (22-20) or Washington State (24-21). Perhaps it was because Washington was the champion of a disintegrating league, the Pac-12that should exist in any form for just one more game before becoming a college football footnote. … Read more