Xbox 360 from LEGO launched by Mattel for more than R$ 1 mil

A version LEGO TO DO Xbox 360 faith published not external by Mattel. The set, with 1,342 pieces, is part of your “MEGA” line and allows you to assemble the classic console and your control, in 3:4 scale.

In the meantime, the release was brought to attention for another reason: its price of £177.99 (R$1,126.39) was considered purchased by the international company. For comparison purposes, the original Xbox 360 console has values ​​between R$700 and R$900 for most of both e-commerce do Brazil.

The Xbox 360 LEGO model already launched in the EUA a few months ago, but it recently arrived in the UK. Or rather, I think product sales will arrive on April 15th.

The Xbox 360 is one of Microsoft's most memorable consoles, which shipped before the competition PlayStation 3 From Sony between the years 2005 and 2016. Currently the company does not produce more devices sold (it is already twice in the front, like the Xbox One and the current Xbox Series S/X), but during its vigência, it totals approximately 80 million units sold.

I don't have a French Xbox 360 Halo e Weapons of war atingiram o ápice de suas famas, for example.

Quanto ao Xbox 360 in LEGOthere is no information from Brazil.

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